Monday, 21 October 2013

George Hutchins is a Big Baby

George Hutchins wants to repeal the 1964.

On hs website he states:

"Each U.S. Business Owner, and Each Property Owner, should be able to, under all U.S. Laws, decided who to rent to, who to sell to, and who to do business with, based on any reason, each property-business owner sees as reasonable, during each legal business transaction."

So in  other words George says that people should be free to associate or not associate as they see fit even if it is racism.

Now, remember that the North Carolina GOP has decided not to associate with George to the point of not inviting him to GOP events because, to put it politely, George is a nut case.

So what does George do when he is treated just like he wants to treat others?  He cries censorship and it's unfair.   Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!  Following text is from his webpage.

The May 8, 2012 Republican Primary, for the FAMED 4th U.S. Congress District, of North Carolina, just like the May 4, 2010 Republican Primary, was decided due to Total UNETHICAL CENSORSHIP-BANNING, as conducted by, the DISGRACES of the Past '2009 - 2012' RINO Fake Republican Leadership of the NCGOP, North Carolina Republican Party.

George Hutchins is a baby that can dish it our but cannot take it.

Tags: George Hutchins, Election, 1964 Civil Rights

Thursday, 3 October 2013

George Hutchins Has Three Options

First....Not run and we win.

Second...Not announce where he is running because he knows once we find out we will contact the media, GOP authorities in his area.  No publicity guarentees he'll lose and we win.

Third....announce where he is and we contact everyone we can about his racist nazi ways and destroy his candidacy and....we win.

Basically there is nothing Hutchins can do to win in 2014.  Whatever action he takes will see him defeated!

Tags: George Hutchins, 2014

Monday, 30 September 2013

Another Website Makes Fun of George Hutchins

The article is more about some other racist nuts but it mentions George Hutchins kooky little NIM group.

Click Here For The Website

Tags: George Hutchins

Monday, 16 September 2013

Is George Hutchins a Racist?

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I needed a break from Crazy George.

I think the answer is obvious.  However, for another view check out this blog, there was an on-line poll done.

Last time I checked the results 82% of respondants thought George was a racist.

Keep trying George but your message isn't working!

Tags: George Hutchins, Racist

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Did George Hutchins Have A DUI?

On the blog "American Loons" I read in the comment section about George that back when he lived in Maine he drove drunk and killed someone.  The comment is now gone.

If anyone knows about that or can post some information about it please let me know.


Monday, 22 July 2013

Another Website Makes Fun of George Hutchins

Some of my favourite posts from the site:
  • This cant be real..... Look who puts Aunt Esther from Sanford & Son on a political picture??
  • Oh shit. I just laughed for like 5 minutes.
  • I definitely got to join his msg board now.. He supports a complete separation of Church & State... But I bet he doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about.. DO I bother even conversing?? This guy looks like a lost cause.
Everywhere people laugh at George Hutchins.

Tags: George Hutchins

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Racist George Hutchins Video

Here is a screen shot of a video published by the National Independents Movement, George Hutchins Neo-Nazi group.  The video was made by a Ronald Anders.  George and Ronald are having a dispute and are no longer buds but when published they were allies in a nazi movement.

You can see the poor quality video here.

Tags: George Hutchins, Racist

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

George Hutchins Will Not Win In 2014

George Hutchins follows this blog, we know that.

And with that George we predict the following.  If you run in 2014 you will not win.  And we will say "we told you so" when you are defeated a third time.

More Accusations About George Hutchins Being A Nazi

George belongs to a group called Triangle Conservatives Unite.  It is a group of republicans and conservatives from the Raleigh NC area.

On their messageboard can be found a number of posts against George Hutchins.  Here is one that was directed against him.

So this election is about a belief in morality, is it? Tell me, George. Where do you stand on the morality of Adolf Hitler? And where have you stood on his morality in the past, such as the time when you and Michael Blevins held a birthday celebration for him culminating in his call to the Roanoke, VA police claiming you were trying to kill him?

I'm tired of dancing around it, George. If you don't withdraw your candidacy, I might have to demonstrate my (and my connections') love for free speech by freeing your past speech for the local media and internet community. You think it's hard getting a job now, even as a bilingual MPA veteran, but you haven't seen anything until your face has been plastered all over WRAL and News14 Carolina with "GOP Primary Candidate Outed as Neo-Nazi" under it. Conservatives here already have a hard enough time without people like you associating our legitimate cause with your white supremacist junk. You may have purged your site and the N.I.M. website of all your pro-Hitler essays, but the internet is a beautiful thing in that it has a very long and cached memory. You're not a conservative. You're not a moralist. You're a sick, racist, fascist.

You can read it all here.

Looks like a number of people are aware of George's Neo Nazi connections.

Friday, 12 July 2013

George Hutchins and the Neo-Nazi NPD.

Two times George Hutchins has travelled to Germany to meet with the NPD.

Who is the NPD?

The NPD, National Democratic Party of German (German: Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands – Die Volksunion, NPD) is a far right German political party.   They were founded in 1964 as the successor to the German Reich Party.

So What?

The party is usually described as a neo-nazi party and in fact the most significant one to emerge since 1945.

NPD Neo-Nazi Link #1
NPD Neo-Nazi Link #2
NPD Neo-Nazi Link #3

You can read more about the Neo Nazi NPD by simply googling them.  There is a great article on wikipedia which can be found here.

Back to George Hutchins

George is proud of his connection to these Neo Nazis from Germany.  On his website George states the following:

Link to above statement

The Republican Party is right to ban George Hutchins since he is proud to meet with neo-nazis on multiple occasions.

Tags: George Hutchins, Nazis, German NPD

Monday, 8 July 2013

Another Website Slams George Hutchins!

Got a good chuckle from this one.  Like where she points out George likes a good hot Roman bath but isn't gay.  Or how she states George is proud to be a racist.  I loved some of the comments posted to her blog about Herr Hutchins.

  • On behalf of the entire State of North Carolina, I apologize for this clown.
  • Anyway, I’mmmm kinda wonderin’ about George. Top of the page. So he spent 4 years in the army…and decided he liked being alone with men so much that he went back in 1996 to find out what the marines were like? And all the splashy color? Maybe I’M stereotyping, but gay friends of mine have been some of the most colorful people on the planet…Sometimes when you have all those feelings buried…you explode in a morass of confusion. Its OK George…We won’t judge you. Just let it out. It’s OK to cry, George. That’s it, just let it ALL out…There there. But you should have started with the NAVY, George! Its the ships. The gentle swaying….
  • I also wonder, as a “Reagan Republican,” what he feels about Ronald Reagan’s 1978 opposition to a ban on GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL TEACHERS in California?
 Oh George...the world laughs at you!

Tags:  George Hutchins

Friday, 5 July 2013

George Hutchins Interview

See George Hutchins put in his place by Adam Kokesh.

You can view it directly on Youtube.  Title of the video is "George Hutchins is running for Congress ... seriously."

Read some of the comments by Youtube viewers.  Examples include:

  • Didi any of you actually go to his website. I had to turn off my computer monitor because I got so dizzy. He obviously used a chimpanzee to design that page...
  • Wow. This Hutchins clown belongs on r/cringe. His website is hilariously bad.
  • This guy is a fuck tared go Adam
  • what a fuckin loser. adam your my hero
  • I just went to his website and got a headache almost instantly. It was like a time machine back to 1995. I am still laughing
  • Seems like a nice enough guy but he just isn't overly knowedgeable
  • Boy, Adam, this guy was dancing like hell around some of your questions. Bottom line is he couldn't competently answer them
  •  Who let Cliff out of the bar? Someone call Norm to take him back to Cheers..
Not a positive comment to be found, except one posted by George himself.  Everyone is laughing at Hutchins!
Tags: George Hutchins, Adam Kokesh

Monday, 1 July 2013

George Hutchins and Zan Bunn

So, previously George Hutchins complained about Zan Bunn.  Appears our little George is a little upset.

He posted this on his facebook page on April 17 2013.

The FAKE Republican RINO Slander of ZAN BUNN must CEASE with an apology, for her slander against the George Hutchins For U.S. Congress Campaign, which let to the Soviet-Communist style censorship of the George Hutchins For U.S. Congress Campaign: 2010 - 2012. If the FALSE SLANDER of ZAN BUNN does NOT CEASE, with a complete apology, there will be a high price to pay. == I will NOT run for U.S. Congress North Carolina 13th District because George Holding is there, who is the Right Man for the office, and who is a great JESSE HELMS Republican. == As for this ZAN BUNN, her FALSE SLANDER will NOT forgotten by the George Hutchins For U.S. Congress Campaign, and there is going to be high price to pay for the FALSE SLANDER which ZAN BUNN conducted against me personally during the 2010 Republican Primary for the 4th North Carolina U.S. Congress District, which led to Soviet Communist-Soviet Style BANNING-CENSORSHIP of the George Hutchins For U.S. Congress Campaign during the 2010 U.S. Congress Primary. ZAN BUNN should stick with the truth and STOP HER FALSE SLANDER !!!! 

Here is the link

Also, read the previous post where George whines about Ms. Bunn.

So who is Zan Bunn?  During Hutchins disastourous 2010 for the republican nomination Zan found out what kind of a nut case Hutchins was.  How he posted pics of Obama as a chimp and tons of other racist items.   Zan was the chairman of the GOP 4th North Carolina GOP district.  In her capacity as the elected chairman (something George failed at...getting elected....ever....unless maybe as homeroom monitor back in the 60s)  she published the following official Republican Party position on Herr Hutchins.
Zan Bunn

Fourth District GOP Executive Committee States Position on Candidate
George Hutchins

RALEIGH, N.C. – October 2, 2009 – The Fourth Congressional District Executive
Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party is stating its official position on
George Hutchins, who has filed paperwork to be a Republican candidate for the
Fourth District in the 2010 election.

“Our committee does not approve, endorse or support George Hutchins or his
views in any way,” said Zan Bunn, chair of the Fourth District Executive
Committee. “We do not condone his inflammatory statements and instead find
them extremely offensive. Mr. Hutchins does not represent the values of the
North Carolina Republican Party. Our committee urges him not to seek the
Republican nomination in the Fourth District.”

The members of the Fourth District GOP Executive Committee are dedicated to
electing a qualified Republican to the U.S. House of Representatives from Wake,
Durham, Orange, and Chatham counties.


Her is the link to her release.

Ms. Bunn was doing her job, keeping idiots like Hutchins from representing the GOP in the general election.  Ms Bunn has not apologized to George nor should she.  She doesn't have to.

Since 2010 Zan has gone on become chairman of the 13th district.  Again she was elected, something Hutchins cannot accomplish.

So, now we know why George is in tears over Zan Bunn.  She found out what he was like and took steps to make sure the Republican Party was not damaged by his racist views and image.  In short she did her job.

If George does actually file to run in 2014 this blog will be contacting Matthew Arnold, the chairman of the North Carolina 4th district GOP to let him know that nutcase racist neo nazi sympathiser George is running again and urging Mr. Arnold to take steps to stop Hutchins or, like in the past, ban him from events like all real republicans would want.

As well, this blog will contact Ms. Bunn in her capacity as the chairman of the 13th districts and ask her to contact Matthew Arnold and encourage Mr Arnold to carry on the excellent policies to limit Hutchins participation.  Real Republicans don't need or want harmful candidates like Hutchins harming the GOP at the polls.

We're on to you George!!!!!

Friday, 28 June 2013

George Hutchins Posts!!!!!

Well, not here but on this blog:

Here is what Herr Hutchins had to whine about posts we made there....

Both of you are ridiculous, and can find nothing better to do, except put this nonsense up. What are your real names? You would NOT be so brave if NOT hiding behind a computer screen.

I think I will have to add a RINO WATCH to our campaign site, in addition to, our version of AMERICAN LOONS. 


This is all complete Slander, just publish what I wrote on this subject recently, please, or take this whole page down !!!.

These other unfounded idiots, would NOT be so brave if NOT hiding behind a computer screen, to include the False Slander of the Stupid Bitch named: Zann Bunn.

Sorry George....pointing out your nazi connections with Neo-Nazi Michael Blevins is not slander.  Pointing out you held a Hitler birthday party is not slander.  Pointing out you have a miltia type oganization called the NIM Army which uses nazi symbolism is not slander.  Pointing out you are wrong about the Iran Hostage Crises is not slander.  Posting info how the North Carolina Republican party wants nothing to do with you is not slander.  Posting about your crazy pro nazi articals you published that are full of lies is not slander.

All these things are the truth George.  Suck it up and put on your big boy pants baby.  We're gonna publish a lot more truth about you.  Free speech baby!

Oh, and if anyone can tell us who Zann Bunn is and why George thinks she is a "stupid bitch" we'd appreciate that.

And finally....feel free to post here George!

Tags:  George Hutchins

Thursday, 20 June 2013

We're Number Two!!!!

When you do a google search of George Hutchins this is the second site to to appear on the list.  Now when people search for Hutchins during election time (if he runs again) they will be sure to see this site and get the real truth on what an idiot he is.

Second place is what we wanted to achieve.  Of course his own weird site should rank first.  One look at it will convince most people what a loon he is.  But this site will be one spot below in the google rankings to confirm that bias!

Look out George..we're getting the message out!!!!

Tags: George Hutchins, Google, Ranking, Second Place

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

George Hutchins Wrong About Iranian Crisis

George Hutchins worships Reagan.  On his blog he says the reason the Iranians released the hostages in 1981 was Reagan threatened war.

George Hutchins is wrong.  The reason the Iranians released the hostages is because Carter released 3 billion of frozen assets to the Iranians.  It was called the Algiers Accords.

Read about it here, not the crap Hutchins makes up.

Besides if Reagan was so tough why did he.....

-illegally sell weapons to Iran with which to kill Americans in exchange for hostages
-turn tail and flee from Lebanon the minute things got difficult there - emboldening Hezbollah and leading to a great many more hostage situations

George Hutchins....doesn't understand the past, not the right person for the future.

Tags: George Hutchins, Iran, Hostage Crises

Monday, 17 June 2013

George Hutchins Hates Gays But Has Never Been Married

At least not that we can find....

No kids..nothing.


Hello pot, this is the kettle calling!

Tags: George Hutchins, Gay Male Homosexual

Friday, 14 June 2013

Another Website Makes Fun of George Hutchins

Another website shows the world what an idiot George Hutchins is.

Tags: George Hutchins

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

George Hutchins will run in 2014 in Raleigh!!!

Whoo hoo!  George Hutchins posted on his websites messageboard he is running in 2014.  Pass the popcorn and watch the craziness unfold!!!


Tags: George Hutchins, Congress

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

George Hutchins Had A Birthday Party For Hitler

Wow, a simple search of George Hutchins on the web returns some interesting results.  Back in  around 2000, George Hutchins, along with a Michael Blevins of the Neo Nazi National Socialist Movement co hosted an Adof Hitler birthday party.  Read about it here.....

Seems our George Hutchins has been a busy guy.  So, does he still host Hitler parties today???

Tags: George Hutchins, Congress, National Independents Movement, NIM, Nazis, Hitler, National Socialist Movement, NSM. Michael Blevins

Monday, 10 June 2013

NIM Army

George Hutchins' queer little group, NIM has it's own army!  It appeared to have a single soldier....Lt General Howard Winkleman.

A few disturbing issues regarding the NIM Army.  First, here is the motto of the NIM Army.

"Loyalty is my honor, my honor is true."

This is the motto of the Nazi SS during WWII

"My honor is loyalty"

Finally, this is Lt General Winkleman's email addy:

For those of you who don't know Nazi SS soldiers were called stormtroopers.

The nazi symbolism around the NIM Army is just one more nail in the coffin of George Hutchins fantasy to get elected.

Links to NIM Army sites:

Tags: George Hutchins, Congress, National Independents Movement, NIM, Nazis, Hitler, NIM Army

Thursday, 6 June 2013

George Hutchins Website

Haven't posted the actual link to George Hutchins' website.  For a good laugh here it is:

Go and amaze yourself with how stupid this person truly is.

Tags: George Hutchins, Congress, National Independents Movement, NIM, Nazis, Hitler

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Will George Hutchins Run in 2014???

This Blog hopes so but, let me explain.  

Hutchins is an incompetent loon.  I guess in Congress he’d fit right in.  But, I hope Congress would see better people elected other than this idiot.  However I digress.

I hope Hutchins is never elected to Congress.  But I need not worry, Hutchins never will be.  He is too extreme, too stupid and too incompetent to win a seat in Congress.

But watching Hutchins run is fun!  This blog loves watching this loser run and lose again and again.  So George, please run for Congress!!!!

Tags: George Hutchins, Congress