Wednesday, 12 June 2013

George Hutchins will run in 2014 in Raleigh!!!

Whoo hoo!  George Hutchins posted on his websites messageboard he is running in 2014.  Pass the popcorn and watch the craziness unfold!!!


Tags: George Hutchins, Congress


  1. Just visited his site. What a nut.

  2. He will lose miserably again. He will be last in the primary race. The theocratic, alcoholic douche bag will go home after defeat, by way of a liquor store, and drink 64 beers, pass out and may not wake up. He is an attention seeking whore, a Hitler lover and hater of Jews. To call him an extremist would barely even be scratching the surface. His outdated car is covered with his bumper stickers from front to back. He should even be cited for having them all over his rear window.

  3. Wow, I always thought he was like this. I saw him speak at a Tea Party rally and he seemed weird. Then I say his website and it was even weirder.

  4. If anyone has a picture of his car I'd love a pic of it to publish here.

  5. I have four. Hit me up at
