You can view it directly on Youtube. Title of the video is "
- Didi any of you actually go to his website. I had to turn off my computer monitor because I got so dizzy. He obviously used a chimpanzee to design that page...
- Wow. This Hutchins clown belongs on r/cringe. His website is hilariously bad.
- This guy is a fuck tared go Adam
- what a fuckin loser. adam your my hero
- I just went to his website and got a headache almost instantly. It was like a time machine back to 1995. I am still laughing
- Seems like a nice enough guy but he just isn't overly knowedgeable
- Boy, Adam, this guy was dancing like hell around some of your questions. Bottom line is he couldn't competently answer them
- Who let Cliff out of the bar? Someone call Norm to take him back to Cheers..
Tags: George Hutchins, Adam Kokesh
Holy retard batman